Menjilat Sampul Surat

Seorang wanita bekerja di sebuah kantor Pos di California Amerika Serikat. Dia tidak menggunakan lem untuk perekat sampul suratnya tapi sebaliknya dia menjilat pelekat sampul surat yang dipegangnya dan itu sering dilakukan ketika tidak menemukan lem untuk merekatkan sampul surat.

Pada hari yang sama, wanita itu mendapati terdapat luka kecil pada lidahnya. Luka itu membengkak. Wanita tersebut lalu pergi ke dokter setempat untuk mendapatkan perawatan karena risau akan lukanya itu.

Setelah diperiksa, dokter menyatakan kalau lukanya tidak apa-apa, hanya luka kecil dan bengkak biasa.Wanita itupun juga tidak merasakan sakit atau kebas walaupun lidahnya bengkak. Tetapi setelah berganti hari bengkak tersebut semakin membesar.

Dengan rasa tidak puas dia pergi lagi ke dokter dan memaksa untuk melakukan sesuatu pada lidahnya. Dokter menyarankan melakukan tes x-ray. Dokter menemukan suatu benjolan luka pada lidahnya dan kemudian membedahnya. Ternyata dokter menemukan seekor lipas (sejenis kaki seribu) keluar dari lidahnya!!

Kesimpulannya terdapat telur lipas pada pelekat sampul surat yang dijilatnya ketika wanita itu bekerja. Telur itu mampu menetas di dalam lidah dan karena kelembaban di dalam mulutnya menyebabkan telur itu menetas. Ini kisah benar yang ditulis oleh Kantor Berita CNN.

Andi Humes menulis :
“Saya pernah bekerja di bagian perekat yang dibuat pada sampul surat, anda tentu tidak percaya jika saya mengatakan di dalam tangki penampungan lem yang dibuat sebagai lem pada penutup sampul surat itu terdapat beraneka benda yang terapung di permukaan “tray” gam tersebut!”.
“Saya sudah bertahun-tahun tidak melakukan perbuatan menjilat perekat sampul surat, tetapi saya menggunakan spam / kain basah”.
“Suatu hari ketika saya menarik satu palet sampul surat sebanyak 2500 kotak, di belakangnya terdapat banyak sekali lipas dan ratusan atau mungkin ribuan telur lipas di suatu sudut pada kotak kertas. Saya melihat beberapa ekor lipas sedang menikmati gam pada sampul-sampul surat tersebut!”. Aduh serem banget…. Jadi hati-hati ya, ternyata menjilat sampul surat yang kita anggap sebagai hal sepele bisa sangat berbahaya.. mulai sekarang ngga usah deh menjilat-jilat sampul surat, kalau ngga ada lem pakai air kan bisa, soalnya sampul surat sudah ada perekatnya atau yang sudah ada lemnya. Sebaiknya jangan kasih mainan yang terbuat dari kertas untuk bayi dan anak-anak.

Semoga bermanfaat.

The Young Entrepreneur

One good thing about being young is the opportunity of exploring beyond your boundaries with a good excuse of “because we’re young”. And this is what makes young entrepreneurship fun and ideal.

A big advantage that teenagers have is less responsibilities and more time to waste. Unlike adults who are stretching their 24-hour life thinking on how to make a living. Although the risk would be immense with lack of experience and knowledge, a teenager can start with what he knows…being young.

New entrepreneurs aging 16-21 are showing more vitality and perseverance to engage in a profitable market industry. Growing adolescent minds develop as fast as mobile companies introduce new breed of mobile phones. An ideal teenager can earn as much as $50 a day. Now, are you paying attention?

Think Young

Majority of our population is composed of teenagers with curious mind. Introducing a new line of clothing that looks like a blast from the past would not catch their attention. When you think of putting up a business intended for the youth like yourself, is should coincide with their heart’s desire. Look at the path where they trod.

Extract it From Reality

Practical people always go for what they need instead of buying what they want. Recognize the difference? Something you want wouldn’t turn out as something you need. You would want apple juice to quench your thirst but all you need is water. Yet something you need would always be something you want. Pacify the masses with what’s essential.

But don’t settle to what is traditional and basic. Instead, add up to what’s already there. Invent. Awake you innovative mind. Improvise. Water would always be water. But when you mix minerals and electrolytes, wham! an energy drink is born.

Be a Techie

Information before is wired up to a tube. But now, it flies with the wind. Computer technology is becoming a must among everyone. It has successfully improved the lifestyle of business establishments, big or small. If you try to dig into the internet, billions of advertisements flood your screen. Why not clicking on one of them? You never know when it might interest you.

Count Your Savings

A penny for your thoughts? Nah, keep your thoughts, I’ll keep my penny. Putting up a business is a tough deal especially when you don’t have the appropriate amount of money to fund it. But where would a kid like you get it when your piggy bank has been used up? If you’re 13, talk convincingly to your parents or your close relatives and try to make them understand that you are old enough to run your own business and don’t let them think that you’ll just use the money for a video game.

If you’re 16, you could borrow it from your friends or significant someone. The moment you turn 18, more opportunities to borrow money or capital would come through. Business firms allowing enthusiasts to accumulate a certain kind of amount plus interest. Lending companies as we call them. With determination, you could see your money rolling.

Fine a cure for teenage immaturity. Engage yourself with what you’re made of. Don’t be satisfied sitting at one corner reading your notes. Being small doesn’t mean you have to aim and act small. Live to conquer. Start with something.

The Next Entrepreneur

An entrepreneur does many wonderful things. In fact, many people are amazed with how the entrepreneur's mind works. How does an entrepreneur become successful? And most importantly, do you want to be a successful entrepreneur too?

Firstly, an effective entrepreneur should have great ideas. You have to research if your business idea is feasible. After gathering all the needed information, you can now decide if you will pursue the business idea or simply file it and do it in the future. For instance, you decide to pursue the idea. The next thing that you would have to focus on is generating the capital needed.

The projects undertaken by entrepreneurs are done in a very careful manner. Demand research is a very important aspect to determine if a business is feasible or not. Saturated and established markets are a big no for entrepreneurs because their aim is to earn more money. With this kind of market, the business that they are about to put up is suicidal because of the extreme competition.

If you want to become a successful entrepreneur, you have to work on some concepts such as ROI or return on investment, compounding capital, economy of scale, speed of business returns, and many others.

You can't work your way to success if you don’t know these concepts. So you have to study and continue your learning. If you can study a business related course, do so. Having the proper educational background will help you a lot in succeeding in the business world.

According to many expert entrepreneurs, education is not enough. As an entrepreneur, you must have the right attitude and qualities. Now what are these attitudes and qualities? Firstly, you have to be hard working. You have to be willing to work many hours of the day or night especially if you're a beginner.

Almost eight percent of your time will be allotted for encouraging customers or subscribers. In the case of an internet business, you have to attract a lot of traffic to your site otherwise, your business will fail.

The second is to be a risk taker. Most entrepreneurs are not afraid to take risks. This does not mean that entrepreneurs enter the market with their eyes closed hoping for success. Entrepreneurs are willing to take risks especially if after a careful study they can see high chances of success.

Not many individuals are willing to take risks because they are afraid to fail. But you see, an entrepreneur learns a lot from past failures. It's all part of life and so you should not be scared.

The third one is to be organized and you should know how to deal with different kinds of people. If you can build good will and you can win the trust of your customers and subscribers, your business will surely succeed.

If you have these qualities, then you're on your way to becoming a successful entrepreneur. You can choose between online internet businesses or you can start by putting up a business in your local area. If you choose the second option, you would have to study your local market and make sure that there is a need for your business.

If after awhile you feel that it is time to expand, you may do so because you will earn more profit from it. The first option is often the most chosen at this point in time because there are many opportunities waiting for entrepreneurs online. Choose now.

30 detik = $0.01

Ga Percaya???Baca ini dulu....
namanya Paid To Click,,tanpa modal, dan TANPA investasi...
Jadi emg ga ngluarin duit sm skali, yang penting rajin,,,
Anda cuma klik iklan, tunggu skitar 30 detik biz itu dpt duit (dollar lho)....
sementara Anda surfing, chatting, buka friendster atau e-mail,,Anda bisa sekaligus menjalankan bisnis ini..Iseng2,,tp bisa dpet duit...enak bgt khan???

Agar hasil Anda lebih maksimal, saya sarankan Anda untuk mendaftar di semua program ini. Berikut situs2 PTC yang direkomendasikan.... - best PTC

1. Klik salah satu gambar di atas.

2. Setelah Anda tiba di salah satu situs PTC, pilih menu register / sign up / daftar untuk mendaftar.

3. Untuk kolom alertpay email / paypal email, masukkan sesuai alamat email yang Anda pergunakan untuk melakukan registrasi di alertpay / paypal. Sebagian situs PTC akan membayar Anda via alertpay, sebagian lainnya via paypal. Perhatikan FAQ yang diberikan di situs masing-masing sebelum mendaftar.

4. Klik register / sign up. Jika berhasil akan muncul info bahwa Anda telah berhasil melakukan
Apa selanjutnya? Selanjutnya silakan login di situs PTC tempat Anda mendaftar,

5.Di sebagian situs, Anda akan diminta memasukkan sebuah PIN untuk melakukan
transaksi. Fungsinya sama seperti PIN pada kartu ATM, untuk melakukan transaksi (misal :
penarikan uang). Masukkan sesuai diperintahkan, jangan sampai lupa.

6. OK, registrasi berhasil. Sekarang waktunya untuk langsung mencari uang dari program ini.
Caranya, langsung saja cari halaman view ads / surf ads.

7. Nanti akan keluar daftar iklan yang bisa Anda klik,

8. Klik di salah satu iklan yang ingin Anda lihat. Iklan yang mana? Terserah Anda. Yang mana
pun Anda klik, akan akan tetap dibayar untuk hal itu. Yang jelas, satu iklan hanya bisa diklik
satu kali. Setelah Anda klik, akan muncul sebuah halaman baru yang berisi iklan terkait.

9. Di halaman yang baru ini, akan muncul iklan (tergantung yg Anda klik). Anda akan dibayar
setelah melihat iklan ini selama beberapa waktu – misal 20 / 30 detik. Anda cukup melihat
iklannya, tidak melakukan apa-apa lagi.

Karenanya yang harus Anda lakukan di halaman ini adalah perhatikan counter
(penghitung) detik yang ada di halaman tersebut. Jika counter ini sudah berjalan hingga
mencapai angka 0, maka barulah credit Anda akan dihitung. Biasanya counter ini berjalan
selama 30 detik.

Jika sudah ada tulisan OK / Completed / Done, berarti account Anda sudah dikredit dan
usaha Anda sudah dihitung sebagai sebuah uang.
Berapa yang Anda dapat setiap klik? Tergantung, tapi rata-rata sekitar 0.01 USD. Lumayan, 1
sen USD hanya untuk usaha tinggal klik selama 30 detik.
Setelah Anda melakukan klik pada sebuah link, Anda bisa coab untuk merefresh daftar iklan
yang masih tersisa dan mengulangi proses melihat iklan pada iklan yang lainnya. Biasanya
iklan yang sudah pernah dilihat tidak bisa dilihat atau diklik lagi.

Selesai klak-klik? Sekarang waktunya untuk melihat berapa yang Anda dapatkan dari
bisnis ini. Pergi ke halaman account / earnings, dan lihat berapa yang Anda dapatkan.

Ingin tambahan dana dari selain klak-klik manual? Anda bisa dapat poin tambahan dari
hasil mengajak orang lain join di program PTC yang Anda ikuti. Untuk setiap klik yang
dilakukan oleh orang yang Anda ajak join Anda akan mendapat tambahan uang.
Karenanya, sekarang coba pergi ke halaman account / referral, dan temukan URL affiliasi

Nah, gunakan URL yang diberikan untuk mengajak orang lain join di program PTC yang Anda
ikuti tersebut. URLnya bisa Anda taruh di forum, di blog, atau lain-lainnya
– asal jangan melakukan spamming.

10. Ok, sekarang tentu Anda sudah ingin untuk memanen hasil dari bisnis PTC Anda kan?
Kalau gitu, pergi ke halaman account / earning untuk menagih pembayaran Anda.
Pilih opsi convert money / withdraw / cashout atau sejenisnya.

11. Setelah masuk ke halaman “penagihan”, pilih dengan cara bagaimana Anda ingin
dibayar. Biasanya ada opsi alertpay / paypal (tapi sekarang alertpay lebih banyak dipakai
PTC). Untuk contoh ini kita pilih alertpay sebagai metode pembayaran.

12.Dengan catatan, kamu telah mencapai saldo minimum. Untuk Anda ketahui, setiap situs memiliki standar minimal tersendiri untuk menilai berapa
dana minimum dalam saldo untuk bisa ditarik.

13. Jika belum mencapai saldo minimum, kamu ga bisa drawing duit kamu..

14. So,, kalo blum mencapai,,jgn patah semangat,, terus melakukan klik,, dan ajak teman2 kamu untuk bergabung. Biar duit yg kamu dpt jg semakin banyak.

Well, that's all.
Selamat berbisnis =)

Blogging 101

Once the secret of blogging was out, the interest in special tips and tricks to make it profitable soon knew a remarkable upsurge. The 101 revealed secrets for highly profitable blogs has actually become a common notion online, since the competition is tight, and achieving good blog traffic becomes crucial for the survival online. If you make a top ten list of the best ways to improve traffic and you simply post it on your blog, you could soon realize there are plenty of people who take it as a rule of the thumb and pass it on like a hot potato.

One such blogging 101 trick is to get links or profiles on very popular websites that have already got a great name in the business. How can you convince them to accept your request? Well, sometimes it pretty much depends on good fortune, but usually, you'll have to email them an intention letter with a detail description of your blog. It would probably be a good idea if you looked for some online marketing tips before presenting the hot features of your web page. Don't worry if you don't get results from the first attempts, try with others, since once you get a link on their site, your blog will profit immensely.

We cannot avoid mentioning the fact that there are all sorts of “hidden” tricks that are nevertheless used to attract traffic and increase rankings. For instance, blog popularity often comes when links to your pages are added multiple times on other sites, not to mention that the creation of a large number of accounts also leads to a higher ranking thanks to the bonus points that are usually offered in return. Some bloggers have used innovative, yet doubtful, methods, such as Google, Yahoo or Microsoft site purchase to increase their traffic and the list of examples could easily go on.

In order to spread the word about your blog, you can always turn to RSS; this is probably one of the best ways to make a special intro for a new blog on the web. Most blog services are also RSS feed generators, in case you lack this tool, you can always turn to FeedForAll software to create the feeds. A site such as will definitely be a good starting point for a novice of the blogging adventure, since, presently the RSS is the best means of making your blog popular.

Blog Traffic - Web 2.0 Traffic Tactics

The blogging phenomenon perfectly integrates in the second generation of web services know as Web 2.0 since this is the most convenient platform for all Internet moves. What is there for bloggers with Web 2.0? First of all, the whole aim of the new web-technology is to facilitate collaboration and sharing between users, on the one hand, and increase the usage rate on the other hand. The next legitimate question that rises here touches on the best ways to attract traffic in the conditions of the transition to blogs that are sources of highly functional content.

First and foremost, we need to say here that with blogs web information is no longer centralized in terms of authority, not to mention that the freedom to use and re-use material is limitless. From a certain point of view blogs become a real market, in which content is the transaction environment. Hence, Web 2.0 traffic tactics mainly gravitate around the optimization of blog articles for advanced search on the search engines. Though it may be very tempting, don't aim too high from the very beginning, it is almost impossible to get large numbers of visitors form the first blogging days.

The key to getting good traffic is perseverance and service quality. Content has to be re-freshed every week if not more often; in order to make that an easier task, it is enough to change some of the content, even if you don't replace it all. With the large number of applications available with Web 2.0, you should place a Google search box directly on the site, so that any user may find it comfortable to perform any further search directly from your blog page. What's there for you? You make the user spend more time on the site and, consequently, you increase the chances of his or her returning to the blog in the future.

People are now more interested in blogs that have RSS feeds; well, you'll have to let Internet users know that as soon as you can! Initially, graphics were the best means to indicate the presence of an RSS feed; the great advantage now is that you can adjust the very colors used for this attention sign to the theme or topic specific to the blog itself. The system is created in such an easy to use way that all you have to do is insert the text and the color scheme and then a graphic pattern is generated immediately.

Google Adsense is Quite Beneficial for the Webmasters!

You have built a website, made it live and it is getting a lot of web traffic each day. Now, you are wondering if using Adsense advertising will lead to some income generation from the site.
To help you decide, here are some advantages and disadvantages of this method of advertising on net.

Most people view Adsense as some form of miracle from another world and think of it as some quick cure. However Adsense has some disadvantages and you can consider some other options as well. For more detail visit to Adsense is quite beneficial for the webmasters. Many webmasters keep worrying about how to generate revenue for their sites and increase its profitability. Adsense just dispels those worries and helps the webmasters to focus on making great content for their sites. As a matter of fact if you concentrate on the creation of superior content with great paying keywords, it is bound to get quality traffic to your website

Adsense is quite user friendly in the context of customization of position, size and colors. It is also quite compatible with websites and easy to use. All this means that you can really experiment with Adsense to generate the maximum income possible. Another great benefit of Adsense is that it can create a consistent income on your website. All that is required is the creation of good quality content and regular updating of the website. Many people just earn their living through Adsense only and are making it a big business.
Adsense does not need multiple accounts for different pages and a single account is sufficient for all the pages. This is quite beneficial for website owners since they do not have open different accounts.

However, Adsense is not all hunky dory and has some flaws as well. Here are some disadvantages of Adsense. The most prominent disadvantage is that Google can just disable your account if it feels that your site has "click fraud". Click Fraud simply means that some one is just making artificial clicks on your page.

This can turn really bad because it may not be you who is doing it. It may be your competitors who just want to shut your account down or a competitor of your advertiser who wants to increase their marketing costs. Another disadvantage is that Adsense earnings are not constant or consistent. In fact many a times a mistake may turn really costly. People with Adsense account are often under a great deal of negative pressure due to this reason.

Firstly, you also need to take care that your website is in the search engine spotlight. In other words, your website should be at a prominent place in the search engines when people search for the products you have. If this does not happen, then you will not have any traffic and which in turn will not create any revenue with Adsense. This in fact is quite a normal drawback of Internet advertising. Moreover, for more detail visit to the constant updating of your website is important since content makes all the difference. Some sites are naturally apt at this but for other's this may be a bit difficult depending on the type of content required. Many website owners hire copy writers to generate good content for their website.

First of all, you constantly need to make sure your site is in the spotlight of search engines when people are searching for whatever it is your site is about. A website owner can write original content by researching a topic in detail and then writing in their own words. Here they can also give their own opinion as well. Hence these are the advantages and disadvantages of using an Adsense Marketing network for internet advertising. You need to now decide if this is the way forward.

Cristiano Ronaldo: the Cherry on Top

Since very little, Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro, started to show great talent for football, which made him relate from his youth on to professional football in Portugal, joining the Clube Desportivo Nacional, where he began his formation and development as player and where had the opportunity to stand out on his country.

With the needed abilities to play soccer well developed, Ronaldo continued advancing and in until 2001 he united to Sporting Lisboa, one of the most important teams on Portugal’s First Division, where with the support of his partners and the coaching and medical staff achieved to sharp his style and raise his game level. Thanks to the work done on his career, Cristiano Ronaldo, gets his official debut on October 2001 as a professional footballer at the Portugal’ Superliga with 17 years old. His impressive plays made him shine to convert himself in a regular player on the field for Sporting that on the same year won the league championship.

For 2003, the talent of the #7 ‘Red Devil’ was already being seen out of the borders of Portugal, an evidence of it was the great impression it cause on Manchester United at a friendly encounter for the Euro Cup. After calling the attention of Sir Alex Ferguson, he immediately started the negotiations with the Portuguese star, to include him in the British team. Ronaldo started with Manchester replacing David Beckham, who at the time transferred to Real Madrid.

On his first period with at England, Cristiano Ronaldo showed one more time his football talents guiding his team to a victory on the FA Cup. The huge progress shown by the player on the British club, made him worthy of the title for Best Young Footballer at a world level, obtaining the FIFPro 2005 and 2006. Another success on 2005 was scoring the 1000 goal for the Manchester United on the Premier League.Besides owning a big load of personal distinctions at an international level, this Red Devil has as well several achievements at a team level that United has attain thanks to Ronaldo’s assistance; this important titles include Carling Cup, Community Shield, FA Premier League and the last UEFA Champions League edition.As member of Portugal’s national team (with which debuted on 2003), the young man of 23 years old has also demonstrated to be an important figure for, after Euro 2004 in which Portugal ended up as runner-up. For the World Cup 2006 even though his country could not make it further the semifinals, remaining on the fourth place, the performance of the Portuguese was supreme.

The speed, ability, commitment and skills in Ronaldo are characteristics that many players and clubs whish to have, the best example right now is Real Madrid that expects to incorporate him on their lines. The Spaniards was not able to signed him due to the renovation of the succulent contract between the Red Devils and the star, that decided to stay with the squad that had been giving him so many triumphs and saw him grow in his little but successful career.

All the effort made by Ronaldo along this year, recently made him laudable of the Ballon d’Or 2008, prize turns him into the Best Footballer of the Year and places him above other great players, such as Lionel Messi, Fernando Torres and even Kaká, who won the trophy last year.

Oscar De La Hoya - From Glory to Failure

Oscar De La Hoya became famous since his early years in boxing, his big debut as a professional boxer came along in Barcelona’s 1992 Olympic Games, where attained the gold medal, triumph that send him to fame and opened all doors to a full of successes career that turned him into one of the best boxers of the 90s.

Great abilities, clean technique, talent and a good punch are the characteristics that can describe the beginnings of Oscar’s career, who found his first main triumph before Julio César Chávez, one of the best Mexican wrestlers at the moment. The spectacular victory placed the Golden Boy confidently among the middle weights, converting him in the third boxer (of 4 total) to obtain the record of sextuple world champion in different categories; previous De La Hoya were Thomas Hearns and Héctor Camacho, and subsequent James Toney.

In September 1999, after 31 consecutive victories a big test for Oscar De La Hoya developed, having to confront Tito Trinidad, who had as well an unbeaten record. The tough wrestle in which none of the fighters gave up, prolonged until the 12th round and following the decision taken by the judges, the Mexican-American boxer suffered his first defeat. From then on, the professional live of one of the best ones ever, would start to have ups and downs.

The desire of becoming the ultimate fighter in middleweight leads the Golden Boy to seek for revenge for the beaten he got 3 years earlier (2000), by Shane Mosley, who ended up overcoming the Hispanic strikes and to pound him for the second time.

Since his last encounter with ‘Sugar’ Mosley in 2003 and until today, the results of his fights have finished alternately on glories and failures. The conquers were obtained facing Felix Sturm, Ricardo Mayorga and Steve Forges; while the defeats were against Bernard Hopkins to whom he lost the chance to win the titles to be King of the Middleweight in 2004; then after Floyd Mayweather Jr and in his last clash on December 6th, 2008 against the Filipino Manny Pacquiao, WBC Lightweight Champion, whom due to his lower height and weight, was seen as the possible loser.

Pacquiao controlled the combat most of the time with excellent moves and powerful hits, punishing stoutly his rival, who doesn’t show a promising future.

In the last 4 years the Golden Boy has announced twice his retirement from the boxing world. The first time was subsequently to the thrashing he got from “The Executer” Hopkins and frustration kept him out for almost 2 whole years; the second time was in 2007, but on that occasion the break didn’t last long time for De La Hoya, staying off the ring just a year

Currently the rumors say that the 35 years old boxer will withdraw, at least the professional fights, especially after accepting that his physical condition is not as good as it used to, which was pretty obvious during the competition with Manny ‘Goliath’ Pacquiao. For the moment all left is to wait for the public announcement, which is what everybody is expecting from this boxer titan of our times.

Natural Skincare Products are Better for Your Skin

When looking for a skin care cream, many consumers are turning to natural skincare products to reduce the lines and wrinkles on their skin. This is all part of the entire ‘green’ shift going on in the world today. No longer do people want to apply drugs or synthetic products to their skin.

Natural skincare products are obviously much better for your skin. However, just because a product claims to contain natural ingredients does not mean that it is a good product. There are cosmetic companies that will do anything just to sell their inferior product. Even claiming that it is the best natural skincare cream available! Now science is not a bad thing either. Science can come up with a way to combine natural ingredients without the use of chemicals.

It is important to avoid products that contain fragrances or parabens. These are harmful to your skin and should not be applied to your skin at all. Keep this in mind; whatever you apply to your skin could be absorbed directly into your bloodstream.

Some small skin care companies around the world are doing some amazing research and development with natural substances for their natural skincare products. This is exactly what you want; a product that contains natural ingredients that actually work at reducing the lines and wrinkles on your skin.

One of these natural substances is phytessence wakame. It is derived from a type of Japanese sea kelp. In fact, the Japanese even use it in their diet. Some of the benefits to the skin include the reduction of lines and wrinkles. It acts as an antioxidant as well, which means it reverses the skin cell damage caused by free radicals.

Another natural substance that is found in the best natural skincare products in the world is Cynergy TK.

On my website, I have more information available on natural ingredients used in natural skincare products that actually work.

Women and Money

Are men or women better at investing?

“This is not only a fun question but it is of great practical value,” says INSEAD Assistant Professor of Finance Lily Fang, who hosted a Women and Money forum at INSEAD recently.

Some studies suggest that women are better investors than men. Dig a little deeper and the picture isn’t so clear.

What is clear is that too few women take an active role in investing their savings. Since women on average live longer and have lower life-time income than men, it’s important that they learn more about investing, Fang says.

In a large number of academic studies of investment gains, men and women actually come out about the same on a net basis. Women do better in the end because they trade less frequently, so they don’t run up expensive trading costs.

“(Men) take higher risks and higher risk is rewarded with higher returns, but after you take out the transaction costs … men are slightly worse than women,” she says.

In fact, Fang says both men and women tend to under-perform the major market indexes when they trade as individuals. “The more you trade, the more you lose out against a passive index, so compared to men, women might lose out a little less,” she says. Surprisingly, men trade almost 50 per cent more than women.

The statistics are the same if you compare women and men who are professional traders, but the sample size of women professional traders is so small that Fang is reluctant to draw conclusions.

She’s much more confident about the obvious conclusion: “The evidence should give women the confidence that they are perfectly capable of taking advantage of their financial well-being and we need to get that message out there so that people can start doing the planning and then it’s a matter of educating yourself,” says Fang.

Unfortunately, the bad news is that the bigger picture indicates that 80 per cent of women actually don’t actively engage in a financial plan.

Long-term financial planning is a particularly important issue for women, Fang says, because people are living longer and women have longer life expectancy than men, often by 10 years or more, and in old age women tend to be afflicted with long-term illnesses such as osteoporosis and arthritis.

“If you don’t have a financial plan in place that you started thinking ahead of time, once you get (older), a lot of people are quite shocked” by their financial status, she says.

Women should know that it’s never too early to start planning. Fang says women should start saving and investing when they land their first job.

Women shouldn’t fight their instincts. Fang lists some important attributes that women employ when investing their money:

  • They trade less frequently to keep costs down
  • They tend to hold more diversified portfolios than men
  • They're more ready than men to acknowledge that they need to find resources
  • They tend to have a longer-term perspective when investing
  • They tend to seek personal financial advice, instead of relying on adverts and advice found on the internet

These attributes should serve investors well. But as a lot of women are busy with careers and family, some don’t want to think about their long-term financial future and tend to leave financial planning to their husbands, Fang says.

Fang believes it’s very important for the family, both the man and the woman, to come up with a financial plan together and to invest together. Research evidence shows that as a partnership, men and women together make better decisions. Now it’s up to women to take greater control.

How to Find and Hire the Right Employee?

Putting an ad in the paper and hiring an applicant based solely on resume credentials is a guaranteed formula for failure. Here are some useful tips for finding and hiring the perfect person for your job.

Just a few decades ago the process of finding and hiring the right employee for the right job was, surprisingly, easier than it is today. Back then, an employer would put an ad in the paper or contract with an employment agency; resumes would be reviewed, several candidates would be interviewed, and an offer was made. But today with the Internet, a steadily burgeoning population, and a global economy with hundreds more job categories than ever before, navigating the employment minefield for both job applicants and employers can be a tricky business.

Before simply making an offer to the person with the most impressive resume, it is very important for managers to take the time to search for the best employee because some industries are plagued by high turnover for various reasons. Employers should carefully screen candidates to be sure they are going to be happy with the duties, responsibilities, work environment, and advancement opportunities (or lack thereof). A satisfied employee will be more likely to stay in a job longer. And the ability to minimize turnover will keep an organization running smoothly and efficiently. It is more beneficial to have a candidate with a good attitude and a willingness to learn than a skilled but unmotivated one.

The strongest strategy for regularly attracting and retaining quality employees is to implement a thorough recruiting and behavioral-based hiring process to ensure you are selecting the best candidates for the job. Develop a recruitment plan and then track all results so you can clearly evaluate the cost per candidate, per recruitment process. Document the sources that bring applicants to you, so you will know where to invest recruitment funds and where to network to attract the most diverse set of candidates.

As you begin evaluating applicants, use a variety of established pre-hiring assessment tools to determine their knowledge, skills, and abilities. For example, employment agencies usually conduct a brief telephone interview, a behavioral assessment, hard and soft skills testing, and finally a behavioral interview. While screening an applicant, use standard questions and consistent scoring methods to keep the results objective and measurable so applicants’ qualifications and results can be compared easily.

It is important to select candidates who exhibit predefined behavioral traits appropriate for your organization and are comfortable working in the environment or your organization. Study the traits of your current top performers and determine what makes them fit well with your organization. While there is no one specific formula that defines the "perfect employee," certain key behaviors will serve as a guide to finding a diverse pool of candidates with similar traits:

- Works well under time pressure.
- Able to handle emotionally stressful situations.
- Can be adaptable/flexible.
- Internally motivated to achieve goals.
- Able to perform well when engaging in repetitive tasks.

In addition to focusing on hard skills such as data entry and listening skills, assess cognitive abilities such as multitasking, problem solving, and attention to detail. Personal characteristics such as conscientiousness, honesty, integrity, and emotional maturity help determine whether a candidate is a reliable and focused worker.

If you feel that a candidate is the right person for your job, be sure to hire quickly. Statistics show that a temporary worker is usually on the market for only about five days before they have found employment. Hiring and retaining quality employees will have a positive impact on all aspects of an organization, including customer satisfaction and. Selecting the right people and managing them well can not only reduce turnover and increase retention, it can also help a company harvest its next generation of executives.

How to Identify An Idiot?

  • He spends twenty minutes looking at an orange juice box because it said, "concentrate".

  • He puts lipstick on the forehead because he wanted to makeup his mind.

  • He gets stabbed in a shoot-out.

  • He sends a fax with a stamp on it.

  • He tries to drown a fish.

  • If you gave them a penny for their intelligence, you'd get change.

  • He trips over a cordless phone.

  • He takes a ruler to bed to see how long he slept.

  • At the bottom of the application where it says "Sign Here", he puts "Sagittarius".

  • He takes 2 hours to watch "60 minutes".

  • He invents a solar powered flashlight.

  • He heard that 90% of all crimes occur around the home, so he moves.

  • He misses the No. 14 Bus, and takes the 7 twice instead.

  • He takes you to the airport and saw a sign that said, "Airport left", and he turned around and went home.

  • He got locked in a furniture shop but sleeps on the floor.

  • He spends time reading thru the above 15 points and analyses if he is an idiot!!!

5 Superfoods for Weight Loss

Studies have shown half a grapefruit before a meal promotes weight loss.

Some foods make it really difficult to lose weight. They create their own self-sustaining cravings ("Betcha can't eat just one!") and play havoc with your blood sugar and, ultimately, your waistline. But other foods do just the opposite. You might have heard that broccoli and blueberries can help you shed pounds. Well, here are some other tasty options that will fuel you up and generate weight loss. Make these foods a part of your daily diet and watch the pounds come slipping off.

1) Grapefruit:

Ever tried the grapefruit diet? Turns out there may be some good research to back up grapefruit's reputation as a fat fighter. In a recent study at the Scripps Clinic in La Jolla, California, researchers studied the effect of grapefruit on weight loss and found that eating half a grapefruit before a meal can actually help people drop weight. The researchers studied the effect of grapefruit capsules, grapefruit juice and real grapefruit. All three seemed to help, but the folks eating the real grapefruit got the best results. The mechanism isn't completely understood, but the results speak for themselves. As an added benefit, grapefruit contains cancer-fighting compounds like liminoids and lycopene, and red grapefruit has been shown to help lower triglycerides. And half a grapefruit has only 39 calories.

2) Sardines:

Sardines might just be one of the greatest health bargains of all time, and they're a boon to anyone wanting to lose weight. First of all, sardines are loaded with protein, which helps stabilize blood sugar, makes you feel full and helps stimulate metabolism. Second, they're a great source of omega-3s, which not only strengthen the cardiovascular system but also are helpful in boosting mood. (And when you're in a good mood, you tend to crave less junk food!) Third, sardines are convenient, easy to find and cheap. And because they're very low on the food chain, they're remarkably free of contaminants.

3) Pumpkin:

You may know this vegetable for its central role in Thanksgiving celebrations, but it's also one of the greatest weight-loss foods ever. Plain old canned pumpkin is absolutely loaded with fiber and has a mere 40 calories. Dozens of studies confirm that high fiber intake is associated with a host of health benefits, including weight management. Pumpkin is also the easiest food in the world to prepare. You can sweeten it with brown sugar, sprinkle it with blood-sugar-lowering cinnamon and nutmeg for good measure, throw in some healthy almonds and make it one of the best tasting weight-loss treats around. It's filling and delicious.

4) Grass-Fed Beef:

I'll be honest with you: Meat is a great diet food... that is, if it doesn't contain antibiotics, steroids and hormones. Eat grass-fed beef and avoid the health concerns that go along with eating meat while getting all the terrific benefits. Buffalo burgers are a good alternative if you can't find grass-fed beef. High-protein diets are associated with weight loss for a variety of reasons: Protein stimulates metabolism, helps you feel full longer and helps decrease the desire to overeat. Grass-fed beef has a high omega-3 content, giving you multiple health benefits into the bargain.

5) Green Tea:

This natural weight-loss stimulant might not be a food, but green tea is still a great slimming solution, not to mention that it's rich in antioxidants, promotes heart health, aids digestion and regulates blood sugar and body temperature. It raises the metabolic rate and speeds up fat oxidation, thus helping people lose weight. Drink it daily to boost your metabolism. Some research has shown that five cups a day is the magic number for fat loss. As an added benefit, the theanine in green tea is also a great natural de-stressor